ham hocks near me
ham hocks near me Before the leg becomes the ankle, there place called Pork Knuckle. When the meat slow-roasted, the connective tissue and collagen it contribute to the fresh flavor and melt-in-your-mouth feel.
The extremity of the leg bone’s shank, rather than the hamate proper, the ankle, or the foot (trotter), makes up this area of the leg.
This chunk typically has skin, tendons, and ligaments, therefore it needs cook for long time by stewing or braising in order to be flavorful.ham hocks near me
The cut can be preparedd in savory sauces, with greens and other vegetables, or both. It frequently included in soups, such pea and ham soup,]
Many meals benefit from the unique flavor that ham hocks bring.
One hock comes with each bundle. Each packet is around two pounds in weight.
Product Specification.
Frozen Pork Specifications:
Detailed Description:
– Washed and clean.
– No blood.
– No bad smell.
– White skin.
– No bruises.
– No broken bones
– Moisture content: less thann 3%.
– No black pads.
– Drainage: 0 to -5°C for 8 hours.
– No traces of carved deep wounds.
– No ammonia burns.
– Blasted at: -40°C.
– Storage at: -20°C
– 100% Fresh and Frozen
– During Transportation: minus 10~15C
-Shelf Life: 12 -24 months from production date
Safe for human consumption