In July 2019, Bopepor (Zaragoza, Spain) started operating, which signaled the start of an ambitious project. The Government of Aragón thought the project, which required a €130 million investment, would be valuable to the autonomous community.
Since it began doing business, Bopepor’s commercial activities have accelerated, it has developed significant trade relationships, and it has consolidated its operations in a region where the agri-food industry is a strategic industry.
The secret to our continued growth is a team that is dedicated to and enthusiastic about the pork industry.

Bopepor has nearly four decades of commitment to the pork meat sector, which has allowed it to develop a very strong commercial structure and get a thorough awareness of the demands of the various markets. By adjusting to market needs through procedures that are focused on excellence, we lead the meat industry. Day by day, we work to make sure that our business management model creates added value and supports the professional growth of our stakeholders.
Important foreign delegations have visited Bopepor throughout this time, which is now regarded as a benchmark for the sector both inside and outside of our borders.